
MIGNOW was present at SAP SAPPHIRE 2022

  • June 10, 2022
  • 1 minute of reading

SAP Sapphire, which took place between the 10th and 12th of May in the USA. It is an important SAP event that brings together business partners and customers to announce innovations and explore trends in the technology market.

This year Mignow was present, following the latest SAP news!

Photo 1 - SAP Sapphire 2022
Reproduction: Dinheiro Vivo

The first face-to-face user conference in three years also provided remote access to some sessions and served as a showcase for how companies can do business in a world that has become more digitized and globally connected.

Photo Paulo Secco SAP Sapphire 2022

Another important event in which Mignow was present to ensure maximum innovation and news in the SAP market.

Photo 2 - SAP Sapphire 2022

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