Migrate now!

Don't wait for your Enterprise Support to expire, migrate now to SAP S/4HANA! Understand how the deadline can affect you:

  1. /2025

    Support extended to 2027 or 2030.

  2. /2027

    SAP will provide general maintenance until the end of 2027, for core SAP Business Suite 7 applications, including: SAP ERP 6.0, SAP CRM 7.0, SAP Supply Chain Management 7.0, SAP SRM 7.0 applications, SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA.

  3. /2030

    + 2% on the maintenance base. It will be available for three years, beginning in 2028 until the end of 2030. This long-term commitment applies to core SAP Business Suite 7 applications that are on the three most recent Enhancement Package (EhPs) SAP NOTE 2881788.

Scenario analysis:

  • 40 thousand

    SAP ECC customers around the world.

  • 1200

    SAP ECC customers in Brazil.

  • 9 years

    to migrate the entire base for SAP S/4HANA

What should happen to make this possible?

12 Go Lives per day around the world

+ 130 go lives per day, only in Brazil

3 Go Lives every week

How can we solve this problem?
Creating a software that automatically converts SAP ECC to SAP S/4 HANA!

Using traditional methods it’s impossible, considering the time that a migration takes to be performed by consultants. Therefore, we decided to create software capable of understanding customer databases, and automate the conversion process using Artificial Intelligence tools

MIGNOW Intelligence - Mig Conversion

The future begins now! MIGNOW is the fastest, cheapest and safest way to migrate to SAP S/4 HANA.

How do we work?

In line with the Agile Design methodology, we developed a completely new form of conversion. Our phases are mirrored and follow all the activities suggested by SAP.

Design Agil MIGNOW - MIG Conversion work methodology

The main benefits of this software

The migration challenge involves skilled labor, time and associated costs.
With our solution, about 80% of the migration process is no longer manual and becomes automatic.

  • Eliminates failures

    Delivery with 100% accuracy.

  • Effort reduction

    Speed running 4-5 times faster.

  • Reduced cost

    Software performs the work of up to 10 people.

  • Higher productivity

    Process runs day and night, every day without breaks.

  • Labor saving

    Less dependence on specialized labor.

  • Flexible deployment options

    On premise, Cloud and Cloud SAP

Don't wait for Enterprise Support to expire to migrate to SAP S/4 HANA.Discover how to convert to S/4 in an automatic, economical and ultra fast way!

Consult our experts.

Through an optimized portfolio of tools, MIGNOW is proven to be the fastest, most economical and safest way to make the transition.

Consult our experts.