How Mignow helps companies and reduces carbon emissions


How Mignow helps companies and reduces carbon emissions

  • January 9, 2024
  • 4 minutes of reading

Technology upgrades and migration to the cloud contribute to energy efficiency and a reduction in carbon emissions

Growing concern about climate change is driving the search for sustainable solutions, especially in the business sphere. Mignow, a company specializing in updating SAP software, is emerging as a facilitator in reducing carbon emissions through advances in energy efficiency.

The annual COP 28 event, held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, brings together representatives from 190 countries with the aim of establishing commitments to curb the advance of global warming. Mignow stands out in this context, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing the systems of large companies.

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the urgency of addressing climate change is evident, considering that on November 17, the global average temperature reached 2.7°C above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) for the first time, exceeding 2.0°C the global average temperature, surpassing the limit set by the Paris Agreement of 1.5°C.

Research by the Climate Accountability Institute has shown that only 20 companies have emitted more than a third of the world's greenhouse gases since 1965. Therefore, corporate responsibility is crucial in the fight against emissions, and Mignow stands out by offering solutions, as evidenced in the Carrefour case, where cloud hosting resulted in a 45% reduction in energy consumption, 30% in operating costs, as well as a reduction in carbon emissions.

Considering that the consumption of energy used by companies is high, as is the emission of greenhouse gases, optimizing the systems of these companies could mean a step forward in terms of caring for the environment. This means that bringing these savings to as many companies as possible would have a remarkable impact.

Migrating to the cloud is a key part of Mignow's strategy, significantly reducing the need for fixed servers. Guilherme Joventino, Co-founder and COO of Mignow, emphasizes: "Mignow shortens the migration journey, taking organizations to a more resource-efficient environment, optimizing not only servers, but also energy consumption. An action that would previously have taken approximately two hours of energy expenditure, with S/4HANA takes 20 or 30 minutes to complete."

By speeding up internal processes, such as closing the cash register and payroll, Mignow has made significant savings in time and energy. Guilherme Joventino points out that reducing the time spent on processes, such as with S/4HANA, results in considerable savings in energy and carbon dioxide, which is fundamental for the environment, which is directly impacted by these reductions, since energy consumption is the largest anthropogenic source of greenhouse gas emissions, a major cause of atmospheric pollution.

Updating is also essential, since the technology linked to SAP is constantly evolving, bringing new features that help with internal processes. "The migration and use of Mignow's subscription software, which guarantees constant updating of the system, guarantees more technological resources for the organization and its employees. This response varies according to the sector of the organization, but the benefits are always significant in terms of both energy savings and a reduction in carbon emissions," says the executive.
The company also stresses the importance of continually updating the software, providing not only operational efficiency, but also helping to reduce the carbon footprint. Joventino points out that migrating to S-4HANA is a crucial decision for the environment, considering that approximately 40,000 companies in the SAP ecosystem need to upgrade.

Faced with the goal presented by Brazil at COP 28 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 53%, Mignow reinforces the importance of the collective commitment of companies to achieve this goal.

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