Rodolpho Cardenuto a strong reinforcement for the MIGNOW team


Rodolpho Cardenuto – A weight booster for the MIGNOW team

  • January 22, 2021
  • 2 minutes of reading

Rodolpho Cardenuto is a member of the MIGNOW advisory board

Mignow, owner of a technology that allows speeding up migrations to the S/4 Hana, the latest version of the SAP management system, has just brought a strong boost: Rodolpho Cardenuto, Brazilian executive who made a career at the German multinational, has arrived to the top of the hierarchy.

Cardenuto is the first member of an advisory board created by Mignow, a company created from the experience of migrations to S/4 of Essence, an SAP partner based in São Paulo.

Mignow has the technology to automatically convert additional SAP ECC developments (the famous Zs, in industry parlance) to S/4 Hana, promising an automation level of 95%.

The company has projects delivered to some large companies, such as the Port of Santos, the Cornélio Brennand group, the drugstore Pague Menos and even abroad, such as the chocolate company Chocolatier, in Belgium.

The idea is that Mignow can work on projects including with SAP partners that compete with Essence in the implementation contracts, which will certainly require a great deal of tact and many contacts in the SAP universe, both of which Cardenuto has to spare.

The executive spent more than a decade at SAP, between 2008 and 2019, having been president of SAP Americas and president of the Global Partner Organization during the period, probably the furthest that a Brazilian has come to SAP.

Currently, Cardenuto is president of one of the units of Vonage, an American multinational of unified communications, in addition to being on the board of Semtech, a semiconductor manufacturer with capital on the American stock exchange and Magic Leap, active in the area of augmented reality.

Cardenuto will provide world-class leadership and guidance for our global strategy.”, says Paulo Secco, CEO of Mignow. “With broad global experience, he will allow us to better understand issues that cross borders, positioning in different markets and how we can change systems at speed and scale through effective actions”, adds Secco.

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